Saturday, December 18, 2004

Just can' t get Shabbes right!

Every Shabbes something little, some would say insignificant, goes wrong and leaves me wondering if this is really what God had in mind!

2 weeks ago we forgot to put the urn on - no hot drinks.

This shabbat I accidently put the Cholent into the ONLY plug in the kitchen wall that goes off with the lights when the shabbat clock goes off - thankfully we had a shabbat platter going.
I also forgot to turn the light off inside the fridge. My husband didn't put the lights to come on during the day till 4pm. Oh and just in case that wasn't enough - today is the coldest day we have had so far this winter and it was freezing - we should have left the heating on all of shabbat.

On the 7th day you shall rest in discomfort!

Shavuah Tov