Friday, December 17, 2004

How does it make me feel?

Our friend Tone (Tony Blair) is coming to Israel next week - or so my husband tells me - how does that make me feel?

Annoyed! Not because I don't like him or want him to visit. I am just imagining the traffic jams that will result from his visit. Last time a big dignitary came it was Jaque Chirac. They closed the road from Jerusalem to the airport and most of the roads inside Jerusalem for 5 hours before he had even landed. I can't imagine anyone in the Arab speaking world is interested in blowing up Chirac, although I can think of a few people around Katamon who may volunteer! So you can imagine how tight the security will be for Tone's visit.

Tone if you are reading this - can you please bring us some Crunchies and a bottle of Diet Ribena - thanks mate!