Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Gaza settlers have lost all sense of reality

I awoke this morning to headlines in The Jerusalem Post, that "Settlers rally around orange star".

The opponents of the disengagement plan sharpened battle lines Tuesday when dozens of settlers donned orange Star of David badges, comparing the evacuation of settlements to the Holocaust.
While the move sparked widespread condemnation throughout the country and abroad, the Council of Rabbis of Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza Strip supported the settlers' opposition by calling for civil disobedience against security forces participating in dismantling Jewish communities in Gaza or the West Bank.

I think the Settlers have lost all sense of reality. To even suggest that their cause is in any way equal to the tragedy of the holocaust is unthinkable. Six million Jews lost their lives and it was little compensation that we got a homeland out of it.

If evacuating the settlements can bring an agreement whereby Israelis and Palestinians can live together, side by side, in harmony then the mere act of disengagement is saving lives. Wasn't it the lesson that Schindler learnt - Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.

A friend of mine, who is a father of four kids, was recently posted for his 1 month army duty to an outpost somewhere in the territories. His job was to guard five families who CHOSE to live on a hilltop in the middle of nowhere. I ask you, why should he be forced to risk his life to protect the lives of these five meshugenah (crazy) families? Why should you or I (the taxpayers) be forced to pay such high taxes year in, year out to fund a military capable of supporting these insane people?

The settlements are draining our country's finance, military resources, and (most importantly) dignity.

Disengagement is a first step - let's give it a try.