Monday, December 13, 2004

Football fiasco on HOT

Can you believe what is going on with English Football in Israel. Is anyone else very pissed off about it?

First you had to sign up to get the special sport channel 5+. This came in a package called "Gevarim" and cost and extra....

Then BANG! Without warning this year they change all English football games to "pay-per-view". 19.90 shekels for 3 games. So we started to book the games. HOT claimed we would in the future be able to book single games at 11 shekels/game which made more sense, being Arsenal fans and all that, why would we want to watch a Man U. game, or even pay for it? But we weren't always successful getting the games booked properly.

Several weeks later and several calls to customer support. They (HOT) happily inform us that they now have a "new" tochnit and we can pay NIS 229/month and receive unlimited access to English football games - YAY no more pay-per-view - and as a bonus they will throw in all the movie channels for free.

So let's summarize. We used to pay around 139/month for our cable TV and get all the football games. Then we started having to pay an extra 19.90/week to receive 3 games, two of which we didn't want to watch. Now we are paying 229/month to receive all the games plus 4 movie channels we barely have time to watch... AND NOW THE CLINCHER!

Channel 1 (a free channel) has started showing English football matches...

Did I mention that the company that just bought the Jerusalem Post also owns the English Football channel rights... lord help us.