Thursday, August 03, 2006

A load of Tisha B'Av croc

When I ventured out last night I was quite surprised to see many people wearing their bright colored Crocs on Tisha B'Av.

I always thought that the purpose of not wearing leather on Tisha B'Av was because it was considered a symbol of luxury and comfort.

Crocs - though made of synthetic materials - should for all intents and purposes fit in to the 'suitable for wearing on Tisha B'av' category. However, I think all too often these days we follow these kinds of rules without thinking very much about the true meaning behind them.

Claims that Crocs are the most comfortable shoes that people have ever worn should, in my opinion, rule them out of the 'suitable for wearing on Tisha B'av' category. Afterall, comfortableness seems to be the only redeeming factor that these ghastly shoes have.