Monday, August 07, 2006

Galgalatz - I have no words!

Ok maybe a few!

On Galgalatz (Israel's Army Radio Music Station) tonight they played a new song that is a culmination of several well-known artists, titled "Kol Hakavod L'Tzahal". I did not catch all the names of the performers, but Ivri Leeder and Shlomo Artzi, both favorite artists of mine, appear in the song.

All I can say is WHY? It is soooooooo bad - would not surprise me if some of our soldiers throw themselves in front of their own tanks to avoid listening to it. Not to mention the fact that it is an exceptionally obnoxious thing to sing "well done IDF" when so many people are dying on both sides.

Israeli's need to grow up!

Yuck (Ushyman requests permission to puke)

NB: No amount of googling could find me a link to the words or any information about the song. I will update if/when I find some.