Friday, August 11, 2006

is my crystal ball working?

The date and time of this posting is important. It's August 11 2006 06:26 AM GMT.

News this morning about the Muslim terrorist plot to explode multiple airplanes over the Atlantic included the bit about how the unravelling of the plot started with the arrest of some 10 Muslims in Pakistan, including two British Muslims, who gave up information of the plot while under interrogation. Subsequently 21 Muslims have been arrested in the UK.

My crystal ball tells me that within a matter of days, many left-wing pollies (I think I see the names Galloway and Livingstone, but there are more I can't read) will start a campaign for the immediate release of all prisoners, for an apology from the Home Office, and for an official complaint to the Pakistani government about the torture of the British citizens innocently going about their business in Lahore. Furthermore, they will demand that any evidence gained from following up the interrogation in Pakistan be ignored as "tainted evidence" since the techniques of "interrogation" do not conform to the British standards required for a court case.

Who's prepared to bet me that my ball is wrong??

All I can say is - thank G-d for the Pakistani interrogation techniques.