Friday, August 04, 2006

Just what Israel doesn't need!

According to this report on Ynet News, Malaysia have pledged 1000 troops for the international force to defend Lebanon. Yeah - that's just what we need - 1,000 Jew hating Muslims guarding the border between Lebanon and Israel. Unless things have dramatically changed in Malaysia over the last few years - I seem to remember that when flying from Australia to Israel we weren't allowed/able to go via Malaysia because of their rampant anti-semitism. In the airports there were signs saying "No Phylacteries Allowed". Are these the people we want involved in our protection - what's next - Darfur?

No Thanks!

Don't believe me...

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is hardly a key player in the Arab-Israeli conflict, but his address at last week's Islamic leadership conference in Putrajaya, Malaysia, immediately attracted a press spotlight to what might otherwise have been another ho-hum gathering of kings, emirs, presidents, and other mostly unelected leaders.
"The Europeans killed 6 million Jews out of 12 million," Mahathir said to the gathered leaders at the Organization of Islamic Conference summit, "but today the Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them." Press reports indicate he was met by a resounding ovation. What exactly the audience was applauding - indeed, what exactly the Malaysian premier, whose country chairs both the 57-member OIC and the 117-member Non-Aligned Movement, intended by his remarks' remains in hot dispute.

full report here!