Saturday, January 15, 2005

More words of wisdom from Rabbi W.

This weeks' anecdote from the pages of Rabbi W.

"During the last century, Kaiser Franz Josef once visited the main Synagogue in Budapest. In the Synagogue hall was a portrait of the Kaiser. However, an anti-semite removed it just before the visit. The Kaiser was told about it. When he met the Rabbi, who was not aware of this matter, he angrily confronted him with the accusation: "You are not loyal citizens - my portrait has been removed from your Synagogue Hall!" The Rabbi, who was very sharp, answered in a flash: "Your Majesty! We Jewish people don Tefillin every day but not on Shabbat. The reason is Tefillin is our sign of service to our G-d. Shabbat is a similar sign. Therefore on shabbat we do not lay Tefillin. When Your Majesty is not here, we require your portrait. However, now that we have the great honor to be able to welcome your Majesty in person, your portrait is not needed." So he got himself and his congregation out of trouble...