Saturday, February 19, 2005

a bit under the weather

Last Shabbat we had both heaters on, it was zero degrees celcius, and they were promising snow. This shabbat it was 24 degrees and hot. So it is no wonder that I have strep throat!

Sorry about the lack of updates - my husband is still promising one day to write on here - I am not holding my breath, although I probably should given that status of my throat ;)

I actually had an interesting revelation over Shabbat. The buzz phrase of the last 10 years has been "global warming". Everything from melting polar ice caps, to the recent tsunami is blamed by the scientists on "global warming". Well here is my revelation. These scientists have probably only had the means/want to watch the changing weather conditions for the last say 200 years or so. Who says there is a "global warming problem". What if the "warming" we are seeing has always been there - but now that scientists monitor the weather and the earth's status they are only now noticing this phenomenon. I mean think about it! According to these very same scientists the world was once covered in ice. Which means that global warming is a process that may have started with the end of the ice age and this small pip that we are seeing now in 2000-2001 is just part of that big process. Then again there is probably a reason why I am a graphic designer and not a scientist.

la la la.... back to bed

Shavuah Tov.
