Monday, May 30, 2005

When will they learn?

Anyone who knows Tel Aviv well, knows that Hamasger is a very busy dual lane road that carries you from one of the main highway exits into central Tel Aviv and at 8am in the morning it is jam-packed with rush-hour traffic. This morning while waiting for a light to turn green, I could not help being utterly shocked to see, in my rear-view mirror, 5 boys come careening down Hamasger on their bikes. Totally ignoring the red light they shot through and one of them narrowly missed being hit by a car coming out of the side-street.

Never-mind the fact that these boys were riding in the middle of a very busy road and ignoring the traffic signals - not one single boy was wearing a helmet!!! Where I grew up in Australia it was illegal for you to ride a bike without a helmet, and so too should it be here. If someone falls off a bike – it has been proved that the risk of severe brain damage is drastically reduced if they wear helmets.

Where are the parents of these boys – what would have happened if the car had hit and killed one of them. What of the poor driver who would be affected for life – The parents of this stupid boy who would sit at home and cry "why me – why did this have to happen to my innocent, beautiful little boy." What a waste!

I blame the parents! I blame the government!