Sunday, May 01, 2005

I Love My IPOD

Yes it's official!

I love my IPOD.

When my wife bought me the IPOD for my birthday, I did not get that excited. For starters, I'm not a Geek, and have no idea how these things work. To be honest, I still don't! My wife just put tons of my CDs (and even a few of her own) on the IPOD, and hey presto, I now have my own private radio station/jukebox (call it what you will) !

The thing is tiny. Not much bigger than a match box. On frustrating and exasperating days at work, the IPOD keeps me sane. It is actually a little toy, and I feel like an eight year-old boy with his action man. For me, the IPOD comes into its own when it is on shuffle mode. Now, for instance, this is what my IPOD has thrown at me:

1. Carl Orff - Carmina Burana
2. Rachmaninov - Vocalise
3. Johnny Cash - The Man Comes Around
4. Dvorak - Allegro Con Fuoco
5. The Police - Walking on the Moon
6.Beethoven - Symphony No.2
7. Elgar - Pomp and Circumstance
8. Starsailor - Fidelity
9. Gustav Holst - Saturn - The Bringer of Old Age
10. Joan Jett - I Love Rock N'Roll (my wife's contribution!)

It's the aural equivalent of throwing all your kitchen ingredients into a pot, and making a broth out of it!
The taste makers may not approve. It doesn't seem quite right musically, but it is certainly fun, even if the music doesn't gel.

I have my work cut out to get my wife a present that she will appreciate as much!