Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Pope Hype

In honor of the hype surrounding the death of one Pope and the election of a new one. The BBC News website has published a section called "A-Z of religions and beliefs"

Here's what they say about Judaism (strangely enough when I hit the page the first time, Islam was the featured religion at the top of the page - conspiracy? nahhhhhh)

Judaism is around 3500 years old. Jews believe that there is only one God and that the Jewish People were specially chosen to receive God's guidance. Find out more.

They even have a section titled "Basics". I think I should write a letter and tell them there is NOTHING basic about Judaism :)

Overview of Judaism
Around 2,000 years ago a non-Jew told Hillel, a famous Jewish teacher, that he would convert to Judaism if Hillel could teach him the whole of the Torah in the time he could balance on one leg.
Hillel replied… "What is hateful to yourself, do not do to your neighbour. That is the whole Torah; the rest is just commentary. Go and study it."

The Bare Essentials of Judaism
* 3500 years old
* Began in the Middle East
* Founded by Abraham and Moses
* Parent faith of Christianity
* Jews believe that there is only one God
* Jews believe that the Jewish People are specially chosen by God
* Jews worship in Synagogues, their spiritual leaders are called Rabbis
* The Jewish Holy book is the Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh, especially the first 5 books, called The Torah
* 12 million followers, most in Israel and the USA
* 6 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust in an attempt to wipe out Judaism

Well anyway I think it's an interesting site - well done and I am sure it took them a loooooooooong time to come up with things to write there that they thought wouldn't be controversial - but I am sure that somewhere, someone will have an issue with something that is written. I can feel an anti-semitism cry coming....