Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Culture Shock

Since making Aliyah I have only ever worked in Jerusalem with 80% religious people. Now that I am in Tel Aviv I find myself facing religious issues nearly every day. Like when they order Pizza at work and it arrives with pepperoni on it.

Yesterday I designed a Pessach greeting card for someone. They wanted something generic enough to be used for both Pessach and Rosh Hashana.

I designed a beautiful card (at least in my opinion) with a glass of wine and piece of Matza on the right and an apple and dripping honey stick on the left, with the words "Chag Sameach" in the middle. I just didn't know what to do when it got sent back to me with the instructions to remove all "symbolic" pictures. Surely whether you are religious or not apple and honey are a wonderful representation of Rosh Hashana and the same of wine and Matzah for Pessach. Am I so naive that I don't really know what these festivals mean to people who are not religious?

I never thought I would have to ask these questions in Israel. Now that is naive.