Monday, March 27, 2006

Can't do anything right!

Someone I know sent the following letter to the JPOST letters editor. They published it and took out the MOST important point of the letter, in fact changing the point of the letter. Can't they do anything right!

Caroline Glick tells us (Column One, March 24) that only Binyamin Netanyahu is "capable of rebuilding Israel's standing in the intenational community."
Glick's cringeworthy praise of Netanyahu in your newspaper is moving dangerously close to a parody of the Soviet-era Pravda. Perhaps she has given too much away by informing us that she was studying at the Kennedy School of Government in 1999 - the year in which the Israeli electorate booted Netanyahu out of office, in the wake of his divisive conduct and policies. I can
only assume that Glick was out of the country at the time, and missed this unique event.
For the sake of transparency, Jerusalem Post readers might care to note that Ms. Glick has served as a foreign policy adviser to Netanyahu, and is no doubt waiting for her just rewards, in the event that he notches up an unlikely election victory.


Zahava Flax

Doesn't say much for Glick's journalistic integrity, or the Post's for that matter.