Wednesday, November 16, 2005

It's been a while

My husband asked me to re-instate the iPod song of the day - so I am forced to admit that I have not blogged for a long time and that I miss it. Mine is not a problem of nothing to blog about - rather the opposite - too much to blog about. I am overwhelmed with stories, links, emotions, thoughts that I wish to write about and quite frankly cannot find the time for.

I am happy to say though that I am getting better. Except for the small matter of some surgery I am having next week - which may just give me enough time to catch up on my blog reading and writing.

I am also happy to wish Rampisad a very happy Happy 60th Birthday. Abba you sure are getting old! :)

Anyway - not sure if anyone even bothers to read it - but it is the reason I am now blogging again - check out the iPod song of yesterday on the left-hand-side.