Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The whereabouts of Nushyman

I know I have been a bit lazy with posting recently. The main reason is lack of time. About 3 months ago I joined a gym near work to try and help myself lose weight. I have been overweight most of my life and it is always an uphill battle to lose it (surely if it is an uphill battle it should make that weight-loss a little easier, just a thought).

Anyway, I now get up 4 times a week at 5:15am and leave for the gym at 5:45am. I work out 3 days a week with a personal trainer and once a week I attend a water aerobics class. It is really hard to motivate oneself to go work-out every single day. It is harder still to motivate yourself to do it so early in the morning. I am proud of myself and more than happy to inform you that my bank balance has lost plenty of weight over the last 3 months :)