Sunday, February 27, 2005

Pay per view?

You now have to pay to read the spectator online - it's a crime! Unfortunately I was trying to copy something from the February 12 edition into my blog, and I am unable to because you now have to pay to read the Spectator online. We subscribe to the print edition - surely that should give us the "right" to read it online without paying - what is this world coming to?

Anyway I will have to type the piece I wanted to blog - it is not very long.

In the Spectator's Notes section - by Charles Moore

In Paris this week I entered into a conversation about French anti-Semitism. This fuss about Holocaust Day, said the woman next to me, it is ridiculous: 'They keep saying we are so anti-Semitic, but it is not true. It is just that the Jews control the papers, and they are very clever and put anti-Semitism on the front page.' I felt she had told me more than she intended about French attitudes on the subject.

end quote - nuff said!